Atlanta-based, Autaco, makes dreams come true for high school students.
Atlanta, July 7, 2016 – Women After Gods Own Heart (WAGOH), Inc., a faith-based organization focused on female development, and Autaco Development, LLC., a construction and development company that specializes in fast-track residential and commercial projects, teamed up to help young ladies from Carrie Steele – Pitts Home, Inc. live out their dream of being a princess for a night.
“We took a group of high school girls to a local mall and prom specialty shop where they selected beautiful evening gowns and shoes for their school prom,” said Audra Cooper, CEO at Autaco.
Members of WAGOH contributed donations and assisted with styling tips to provide a personal touch as the girls transformed from young high school students to elegant prom princesses.
“Our goal was to touch the girls’ lives and as it turned out, the girls touched our lives equally,” said Cooper.